Tuesday, June 03, 2014

Our Little Tadpole Grows Up

Thomas began swim lessons this summer. His friend from Child Study Center, Emmett, is also in the class, and together with their instructor Mr. Michael, they are splashing, paddling and jumping and learning to be good little tadpoles.

Swim lessons have evolved since I took them.  My mother wasn't allowed in the pool with me--or even in the building--and we were taught to hold our breaths by being dunked under water. On the other hand, my mother and father both learned to swim in the heavy currents of the Holston River--often without adult supervision at all.  One of the favorite dares among the children in their community was to swim to the "cat hole," a whirlpool in the middle of the river, and see if you came back up after being pulled under.  I don't think anyone they knew ever died trying.