Here are some pictures of Thomas's recent adventures including his first ride in his little red wagon (a gift from one of Lance's former co-workers), a visit with cousin Jackson (who is a very good potato digger, by the way), a visit with cousins Carstyn, Chase, and Rae (whom we helped move into a new house), and a 6 mile hike with "Aunt" Betsy (on which Mommy carried him the whole way!)!

(Hold on tight, Thomas!)

(Goofing off in the garden while everyone else is digging potatoes)

(The biggest potato of all!)

(Bee and sunflower)

("Brown Bear, Brown Bear, what do you see?"...)

(..."I see two little boys reading to me!")

(With Chase, Rae, and their sweet dog Mica who unfortunately got attacked by a neighbor's dog while we were helping Lance's brother's family move into a new house. She lost a couple of teeth but luckily nothing else. She was such a trooper!)

(Hamming it up at the beginning of the hike)

(Thomas with his "hiking stick" (also chew toy) in front of Laurel Falls.)
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